Apr 18, 2010

Goat Camp Out n Back 04/17/10

Yesterday, our 10 rider crew did a little pedal in the White Tank Mountains (west of Phoenix). We did the basic out and back route, and saved the gnar for another day. Freaking, dgangi did it twice.

Other than camera shots, there were no real stops on the way up. It was a pretty casual blistering pace, but I knocked it out in about 1:45. Not bad considering I was on my big bike. Which was totally over kill, but did come in handing for the 1/4 mile rawk garden at the bottom. I thought they took the all of gnar out at the bottom, but thank goodness, its not all gone yet.

Here's a vid of the day:

Here is slightly higher quality version of the video, but it'll take a couple of minutes to load up:

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